For the new webmaster: This back end is a disaster. Do not delete the root folder "bak," it holds a complete backup of all previous builds for your access to content, components, styles, etc. Also, I ask as a favor to me not to delete it because I need to use/link some of the pages for my portfolio pieces to get new work; since I have been here for two years, these are most of my recent portfolio pieces to show. I will be needing this to stay published with "nofollow, noindex, etc." for the next couple of years. That is much appreciated. That said, please feel free to contact me anytime with questions on (the previous webmaster) Dave's builds and my builds. You will find this "bak" (backup-folder) essential for both your reference and to my ability to help you with any specific issues from the past. You can always reach me at 727-290-8244 or (phone or text is faster) The current original website design I did in 2015, while my predecessor Dave Barnes was webmaster. He was not a designer. It was first designed by me using Adobe DreamWeaver with Bootstrap 3 framework, JQuery, and several other libraries. For 20 years prior, Dave's style was a legacy "code everything from scratch" from the 90s—no libraries or frameworks. When he inherited my 2015 design, he undid all the Bootstrap 3 framework and most libraries, and the Dreamweaver "master" pages. He quit abruptly in May of 2019. I was the only one available that knew enough about this site in the short amount of time for the 2019 August tradeshow launch. When Dave undid all the Bootstrap framework, libraries, and Dreamweaver master pages, an additional layer of chaos was created. Now it became a mix of Dave's 90s code, with code from frameworks and bandaid patching workarounds. By the time I inherited the website in 2019, it was beyond repair; and with a tight deadline always approaching, I did the best to begin placing in Bootstrap components, libraries, etc., without starting from scratch. Then came 2020. I had moved on by Late May, but agreed to help temporarily again with the new needed Virtual Event integration with the platform I chose, Whova. My departure was scheduled for December of 2020, with my recommendation that a new webmaster is hired moving forward. (Actually, I resigned in June of 2020, but realizing that I was the only one to help put on a virtual show, I came back temporarily) In my exit interview with Chip Stockton, I highly recommended a brand new build/design since this is five years old and a total disaster in the code. A lot of the CSS is inline rather than in their own files because of the speed and changing nuances from this team's requirements and the nature of the event. Ideally, this requires a small team-effort of two or three persons, as you will learn, so to do it alone yourself, you will need to cut corners, both to stay within budget and on top of deadlines. I will say, Dave's (and mine) approaches were to cut corners and try to fix it later, but later never comes. The mess only builds up. Therefore, do yourself a favor and start a new website from scratch. In the meantime, while you build a new design, the current website will need to be the main "go-to." This will cause you to switch gears when your new website is published, to transition all-new content. The 2021 content starts to come in from the team around the middle to end of February; therefore, 2021 content migration will be a pain. I suggest you address this ASAP because things begin to heat up by late March. I highly recommended to Chip and you that the use of Salesforce report to the webmaster. You, as a web professional, would agree that the web is the hub and CRM platforms like SFDC are spokes on the wheel serving the web. The current infrastructure places these two, SFDC and the website, as totally different standalone workflows, where the SFDC admin creates solutions that are not compatible with the web build. This is an ongoing problem. You will find it easier and less expensive by insisting that the SFDC folks report to you or allow the webmaster to LEAD any integration from SFDC—with your instruction to them at the helm. I.e., They will try to push iFrames on you, whose data is not properly formatted on their end, and it will be near impossible, wasting many of your working hours back-and-forth, to have them properly work across different screen sizes. Starting here, put on your "character-hat," this is a "unique" team. I gave you my contact info. Let me know if you need anything. I will be available for easy answers where it will make your life easier. Chip knows I can also help with overflow needs if you get into a jam. James Ordonez 727-290-8244 (Text or call first)