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Flash Memory Summit
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Flash Memory Summit Helps Storage Technologists Get the Job They Want

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SANTA CLARA, CA – July 19, 2016 – Flash Memory Summit (FMS) 2016 is the place for technologists to learn from star recruiter Tanya Freedman of Connetics on how to get a new job or keep an old one. Freedman will share her insight at an expert table on Tuesday evening (August 9) and at the Connetics exhibit booth (August 9-11).  She can help technologists find the best strategy for getting hired by major companies and spruce up their job-seeking skills. Freedman can also help companies find the best candidates for their open jobs.

As a technical recruiter at Connetics, Ms Freedman has completed over 300 executive assignments in the past 10 years with almost 100% retention for companies ranging from Fortune 500 firms to entrepreneurial start-ups. 

The Connetics' employment roundtable joins 30 additional roundtables at the popular "Beer, Pizza, and Chat With the Experts" session at Flash Memory Summit. Attendees can go one on one with industry leaders on topics like 3D Flash, NVMe, MRAM, NVDIMM, Storage Class Memory, Flash over the Memory Bus, and software-defined storage, in a session open to all attendees.

FMS blows the lid off the latest technology trends, showcases the most newsworthy products, and offers the broadest coverage of a rapidly expanding market. The August 9-11 event at the Santa Clara Convention Center also features free keynotes by top speakers from Facebook, Micron, Samsung, SanDisk, Toshiba, Marvell, SK Hynix, Huawei, Seagate, Microsemi, EMC, Nimbus Data, Crossbar, and Mangstor. In 2015, FMS drew over 5,000 registrants and 100 exhibitors. The conference also features annual updates, market research sessions, performance testing results, and a VC Forum. Early Bird registration is now open.

About the Flash Memory Summit

Flash Memory Summit, produced by Conference ConCepts, showcases the mainstream applications, key technologies, and leading vendors that are driving the multi-billion dollar non-volatile memory and SSD markets. FMS is now the world’s largest event featuring the trends, innovations, and influencers driving the adoption of flash memory in demanding enterprise storage applications, as well as in smartphones, tablets, and mobile and embedded systems.

Media Contact

Ana Perez
Flash Memory Summit
[email protected]

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