How to complete the upload

  1. Name your file: yyyymmdd_sessionid_lastname.ext
    yyyymmdd is the year, month, day of your presentation at FMS, for example: 20190807
    sessionid is the Session Identifier as shown in the FMS Program, for example: FTEC-101A-1
    lastname is your last/family/surname, for example: Bjoerling
    ext is the filename extension, for example: pdf, ppt, or pptx
    In this example the complete file name would be: 20190807_FTEC-101A-1_Bjoerling.pdf
  2. Provide a short file description. (This will appear after you drop the file into the upload box.)
    Your full name and title of the presentation would be helpful.
    If you are uploading a new, revised version of your presentation, please tell us here.
  3. Provide your email address.