Press Release

Flash Memory Summit Technical Chair Brian Berg Receives Two IEEE Awards


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SANTA CLARA, CA - March 14, 2018 - Flash Memory Summit's Technical Chair Brian Berg was recently honored with two awards presented by the IEEE. The first was for Outstanding Leadership and Service to the IEEE within Region 6, which includes twelve western U.S. states. The second award was the IEEE-USA Professional Leadership Award for "outstanding service to the Consulting and Electrical Engineering profession." Both awards were presented at an international IEEE meeting held near San Francisco in February 2018.

Brian has served as an officer of the IEEE Consultants' Network of Silicon Valley (IEEE-CNSV) for over 13 years and has coordinated CNSV's involvement with Flash Memory Summit since 2007. He helped publicize the conference's efforts to provide free conference admission to students from IEEE's student chapters within Silicon Valley. Brian also revived the Silicon Valley IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) chapter. This WIE chapter is now thriving, including playing an important role in the annual WIE International Leadership Conference and having established strategic relationships with six corporations including Intel and Samsung.

"I am pleased to see Brian get this recognition for his extensive IEEE volunteer work," said IEEE President Jim Jefferies. "His efforts have also helped both women engineers and students gain increased industry exposure and access to important industry events."

Brian is active in the IEEE Milestone program as well as the Flash Memory Summit's Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA). One such Milestone was for the Floating Gate EEPROM and its foundation for flash memory. In a pair of events, Brian coordinated the dedication of this Milestone as well as awarding SanDisk founder Eli Harari with the FMS LAA.

"Brian has been tireless in driving for the broad recognition within the IEEE community of key milestones," said Dr. Harari. "His relentless search has brought to light the important contributions of many of the pioneers that made Silicon Valley so central to peoples' daily life. Congratulations to Brian for these well-deserved IEEE awards."

Chuck Sobey, FMS Conference Chair, added "Flash Memory Summit is fortunate to have Brian on its Program Executive Committee, where he develops new content for our attendees through his novel ideas, exemplary service, leadership and extensive network of industry contacts."

About Flash Memory Summit

Flash Memory Summit, produced by Conference ConCepts, showcases the mainstream applications, key technologies and leading vendors that are driving the multi-billion dollar non-volatile memory and SSD markets. FMS is now the world's largest event featuring the trends, innovations and influencers driving the adoption of Flash Memory in demanding enterprise storage applications, as well as in smartphones, tablets, and mobile and embedded systems.

About IEEE

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice in a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics. Learn more at

Media Contact

Dan Chmielewski
Flash Memory Summit
[email protected]


Conference ConCepts