Upload Your Presentation Slides to FMS

Thank you for uploading your FMS 2022 presentation to us. This will ensure that your presentation is in the proceedings.

How to complete the upload

  1. Name your file: yyyymmdd_sessionid_lastname.ext
    yyyymmdd is the year, month, day of your presentation at FMS, for example: 20220807
    sessionid is the Session Identifier as shown in the FMS Program, for example: FTEC-101A-1
    lastname is your last/family/surname, for example: Bjoerling
    ext is the filename extension, for example: pdf, ppt, or pptx
    In this example the complete file name would be: 20220807_FTEC-101A-1_Bjoerling.pdf
  2. Provide a short file description. (This will appear after you drop the file into the upload box.)
    Your full name and title of the presentation would be helpful.
    If you are uploading a new, revised version of your presentation, please tell us here.
  3. Provide your email address.


Conference ConCepts