Bold Echo Communication Solutions

BoldEchoYour company, your product, your ideas are only as good as your ability to express them. Research tells us that within 37 seconds your audience decides to tune in or tune you out; 94% reported that they tune out when a speaker doesn’t mentally engage them in the presentation.

With so much at stake, professional presentation skills coaching isn’t a “nice to have,” it’s a “must have.”

Bold Echo Communication Solutions gets you “audience ready” by helping you become a more authentic, engaging speaker. We provide you with the skills to develop a clear and compelling story, connect with your audience, and confidently deliver your presentation with impact.

Bold Echo offers private coaching and group presentation skills workshops. Please visit our website or contact us at or contact Karen Williams directly at [email protected].

Speaking Tips

Testimonials for Bold Echo

"Bold Echo had an amazing impact on the success of our past two conferences! They held workshops and provided one-to-one coaching for our engineer speakers who loved the help and support. I continue to use what I learned in the workshop and now recommend it all of our speakers. The real winners are our attendees get the benefit of better sessions and speakers." Will Ramey, Sr. Product Manager, NVIDIA.


Conference ConCepts