FMS 2022 Keynote Speaker FAQ

This is our 16th anniversary, and we are proud that FMS has become the largest flash memory storage industry conference in the world, attracting the leading high speed memory companies, professionals from enterprise, cloud, and hyperscaler customer environments, analysts, and the media community.

We are pleased to welcome you and your company to the Keynote Program at Flash Memory Summit 2022 (FMS).

The Keynote Presentations continually receive the #1 rating as the most valuable part of the conference - and we know that it is the commitment and quality that company teams like yours bring to this process that result in the success of the event.

This document will answer key questions in planning for your Keynote Presentation, and it will provide a timeline and outline of what we need and when we need it in order to make this a winning event for you.

Below is information on how to contact us. Our Keynote Team is available at any time to help support your specific needs in preparation for FMS 2022.

Tom Coughlin, Program Chair
Responsible for overall final review and approval of all speakers and topics of the FMS Program
[email protected]
408-202-5098 Office

Jay Kramer, Master of Ceremonies
Liaison to speakers and their staff in the development of quality presentations and support materials, including review of abstracts and speaker bios
[email protected]
949-497-5244 Office
949-697-8975 Cell

Roberta Ryan, Director of Keynote Program
Point person for managing pre-, post-, and on-site conference Keynote Speaker logistics
[email protected]
707-823-4130 Office
707-592-4952 Cell

Tedra Nikolai, Keynote Administrator
Administrative support to the Keynote Team pre- and post-conference tasks, including scheduling calls, collecting Keynote materials, and coordinating PR requests.
[email protected]
408-206-3606 Cell

What action items do I need to keep track of?

We have three interlinking projects:

  • Keynote Address Details
    • Includes identifying your speaker, and providing their bio and photo, plus completion of the presentation title and abstract
  • Keynote PowerPoint Presentation
    • Involves subject matter experts to assist your team in creating and reviewing your presentation to achieve high ratings
  • Keynote Administrative Logistics
    • Involves obtaining all your Keynote content, scheduling meetings with our Keynote Team, and keeping you abreast of FMS update information

Keynote Address Details

  • Initial Onboarding Call
    • Video conference with your company Keynote Team, including your Keynote Speaker (or individual who is designing presentation), your Keynote Marketing Team, and the FMS Keynote Team
  • Submission of Speaker, Title, Bio, and Abstract
    • Must be submitted by your Keynote Team within two weeks of initial onboarding video call
    • Submitted items are approved by the FMS Keynote Team, the information about the presentation will be posted on the FMS website, and we will promote your Keynote through our FMS PR campaigns starting on April 15, 2022
    • Finalized material should be completed by April 15, 2022 in order to take advantage of the FMS PR campaigns. Your timely submission of the information about your keynote will assure your company receives maximum branding and promotional opportunities from the FMS Keynote Program
    • The review and approval process of submitted content can take up to two weeks to finalize

Keynote PowerPoint Presentation

To assist you in creating an exceptional presentation, during the initial video conference we will provide you with subject matter expertise, guidelines, and best practices.

To support your Keynote Team, we will also provide a subject matter expert to review your presentation draft.

To receive this valuable service that will enhance the quality of your Keynote Presentation, adherence to the submission dates (below) is required.

  • Keynote PowerPoint Presentation Submission Dates:
    • Initial draft – June 1, 2022
      • Once received, a second video call with be scheduled to review the presentation
    • Second draft – July 1, 2022
      • Once received, the presentation will be approved, or we will provide additional suggestions for your consideration
    • Final presentation – July 25, 2022 (one week before FMS)
      • Once submitted, the presentation and associated video will be prepared for review and testing by our FMS A/V Team

    Please upload your Keynote Presentation PowerPoint (and any associated video) to Presentation Uploads

  • Keynote Administrative Logistics
    • March 1 – Begin scheduling and conducting initial video conferences with your Keynote Team
    • July 1 – Begin coordinating final logistics, including completion of legal release documents, scheduling rehearsal, and securing VIP seating

What are the elements of a quality Keynote?

  • Our audiences appreciate learning information that is immediately useful in their work. They respond well to a knowledge base addressing the current state of the high speed memory and storage industry, along with future directions for your company and the industry.
  • In addition, they welcome a speaker who is an accomplished presenter, has easy-to-understand slides, and provides insights about memory technology, the competitive landscape, and the best practices for IT data center customer environments on-premise and cloud.
  • Also, it is important that the talk is not overtly commercialistic or one that articulates a standard product pitch. The presentations that achieve the highest audience scores are visionary about the memory industry, strategic about trends in the marketplace, and incorporate a customer on stage.

What should the technical level of the talk be?

  • FMS audiences are looking for strategic talks targeting people steeped in data storage both from a technology and a business perspective.
  • The typical audience makeup is 40% engineers, 20% senior-level managers, 20% marketing/sales professionals, and 20% media/analysts. So, the talk needs to address a wide audience with varied backgrounds and expectations.

How much time do we have?

  • Your Keynote has a 30-minute time slot. This includes ~ 27 minutes for your presentation. The remaining time includes the logistics of getting on and off the stage, time for us to introduce you, and optional Q&A.
  • If you will be doing Q&A, let us know by July 25 when the final presentation is due and provide us with pre-planned questions that underscore the theme of your talk. Time permitting, your Keynote Introducer will ask the questions at the end of your presentation.

As an element of our commitment to professionalism, we strictly enforce the 30-minute time frame of the presentation time slot.

Do you recomend any professional coaching for Keynote Speakers?

  • Yes, if your Speaker could benefit from voice and speech coaching before your presentation, we recommend Karen van Hook, PhD, Chosen Voice and Accent Reduction Coach
    • Dr. Van Hook has a PhD in Linguistics and over 15 years' experience coaching both native and non-native speakers. She brings together techniques from the worlds of linguistics, voice coaching, accent reduction, and presenting skills. [...Read More]

How do you create a strong Abstract Title?

Keynote titles should be short (maximum 80 characters including spaces), describe what the talk will cover, and sound interesting and relevant.

How do you write an excellent Keynote Presenter Bio?

Biographies should be six sentences or fewer and include the following:

  • Title and Responsibilities
    • List the speaker's current position and duties
  • Career Achievements
    • Highlight the major career accomplishments
  • Special Recognition
    • List the awards, patents, honors, successful products launched, publications, or significant presentations
  • Education
    • List relevant degrees and certifications

We suggest that the Keynote Speaker has an executive management background. If selecting a marketing exec speaker, we recommend that you have either a technology exec or customer as a co-presenter.

How do you write an interesting Abstract?

Abstracts should be four or five sentences and include the following:

  • Key Points:
    • Explanation of the talk's major points and what is special or unique in the talk that will draw audience attendance
  • Takeaways:
    • Address why the talk is relevant to overall memory or storage technology, what the audience will learn from it, and the specific knowledge that will add value to the audience's own job responsibilities
  • Content:
    • No overt commercialism, sales pitch, or coverage of specific products as a Keynote Address needs to be visionary and the abstract needs to convey a high level of educational content

How will registration and badges be handled?

  • Keynote Speakers are registered automatically, and their badges can be picked up in the registration area.
  • Additional executives and other Keynote invitees can register online prior to the conference at no cost.
  • All marketing teams can also attend Exhibit Hall and Business Track Sessions at no cost.
  • Registration will open in June and we will send you the link as soon as it's available.
  • Last-minute additions for attending the conference should provide identification (such as a business card) at the registration desk to get a badge

We have some VIPs coming. Can you reserve seats for them?

  • Yes, let Roberta, our Keynote Program Director, know at least one week ahead of time how many seats you want reserved and we will put "RESERVED" signs with your company name on the seats.

What is the procedure for handling multiple speakers or demonstrations?

  • Let Roberta know as soon as possible if you will have more than one speaker or are planning something unique so we can plan accordingly.

What type of audio-visual system will be used?

  • The Flash Memory Summit uses a high-quality sound and visual system assembled and run by top professionals. The microphones are wireless lavalier. The room will be set with large screens behind the speaker and one to the right of the stage.

We want to bring our own videographer. How do we arrange for that?

  • David Schwaderer is our on-site videographer and will be recording the presentations. He would be pleased to coordinate with your crew to ensure a satisfactory outcome for your videographer. David can be contacted at either 408-828-2923 or [email protected]

When will we receive the video you are recording, and will there be a cost?

  • There is no cost for the basic video. David Schwaderer, our videographer, will send it to you within two weeks after the conference. Once the video is ready, he will post it on a private YouTube channel for you to review and approve.
  • If you would like it by a specific date, let him know and he will do what he can to accommodate your request. David can be contacted at either 408-828-2923 or [email protected].
  • If you would like custom features added to your video, connect with David and he will give you a quote of what the additional work will cost.

What format should the slide show be in?

  • We request that slide shows use PowerPoint 16:9 format.
  • We encourage you to use your own branded template.
  • Optionally, you may download and use our PowerPoint Template.

If we will be embedding one or more videos into our presentation, what format do you recommend?

  • Please use a 1920x1080p ProRes 422 mov format.

Can the PowerPoint presentation include any special fonts or integrate any other applications?

  • If using special fonts or applications, the speaker has the option to use their own laptop for the presentation.

How do you upload the Keynote PowerPoint presentation for FMS review?

  • Upload your PPT presentation and script files to the following link on the FMS website: FMS Keynote Uploads.

Are there facilities for showing a video?

  • The audio-visual equipment can handle a video within your slide presentation. This will be tested at your scheduled on-site rehearsal at FMS.

Will the slide presentation be posted online?

  • Yes, but only with your written permission. The posted presentations have a very high number of FMS attendees accessing them after the show. Slide presentations will be posted on the Proceedings page of our website.
  • Previous years may be viewed here.

Will you have time to practice the talk prior to the presentation?

  • Rehersal times are available, and Roberta, Keynote Program Director, will begin scheduling them a couple weeks before the show.
    What dress code do you recommend?
    • We recommend business casual.
      • Women: Tailored pants or dresses.
      • Men: Suit or dress pants and jacket, tie optional.

    Who do we contact regarding coordinating our PR activities with yours?

    • Tedra Nikolai, our Keynote Administrator, will work with you on your PR needs. You can reach Tedra by email at [email protected] or by cell phone at 408-206-3606.

How soon before the talk's start time should the speaker arrive backstage to get the microphone set up?

  • We request the speaker arrive 20 to 30 minutes prior to start time and check in with Roberta, our Keynote Program Director.

How do we find the room at the Conference Center?

  • The Keynote Presentations will be held in the Mission Ballroom. This link will take you to the Santa Clara Convention Center floor plan.

What if there is an emergency and we need to contact someone on the day of the talk?

  • In case of any last-minute emergency, please call Roberta, our Keynote Program Director, on her cell phone: 707-592-4952.
  • Do not use email or try to contact other people since they generally will be busy during the show and will be slow to respond.

What is the parking situation, and will you provide VIP parking?

  • We will not have reserved spaces, but the Santa Clara Hyatt Regency Hotel has valet parking, and the entrance is just a few hundred yards from the ballroom. (When you enter the hotel, turn right and keep walking straight ahead. You will see signs for FMS as you enter the Convention Center.)
  • Also, the Convention Center has a drop-off point (out front) that is about 50 feet from the ballroom.
  • The Convention Center also has a large parking structure, but if your speaker will be using it, we recommend you plan for an extra 30 minutes transit time because it can be very busy.

How many do you anticipate will attend the talk?

  • ttendance at Keynote Presentations in recent years has ranged from 800 to 2,000 people.

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